Creates a database element and stores it in the database. Note that this command cannot create elements of type "Shader" or "Shader_graph". Use "create_shader_from_class" and "create_shader_graph_from_class" instead.
"element_name" : String
The name of the database element to create.
"element_type" : String
The type of the database element to create.
Possible Values:
- Attribute_container
- Bsdf_measurement
- Camera
- Decal
- Freeform_surface
- Group
- Image
- Instance
- Irradiance_probes
- Light
- Lightprofile
- Material
- Options
- Polygon_mesh
- Select_instance
- Shader_graph_class
- Subdivision_surface
- Texture
- Triangle_mesh
"privacy_level" : Uint8 (default: null)
The privacy level to create the element at. [0...255]. If not provided uses the current scopes privacy level.