Sets the file name of the file containing the light profile.
"degree" : Uint32 (default: null)
The hermite interpolation degree.
Possible Values:
- 1 - Linear
- 3 - Cubic
"file_name" : String
The file name of the file containing the light profile.
"flags" : Uint32 (default: null)
The flags describing the ordering of horizontal angles in the light profile. Valid values are a combination of the following: 1: Clockwise; 2: Counter Clockwise; 4: Rotate Type B; 8: Rotate Type C 90-270.
"lightprofile_name" : String
The name of the lightprofile. This name must be the full database name of the lightprofile, including namespace.
"resolution" : Uint32<2> (default: null)
The precision of the interpolation.