render_and_store (deprecated)
This command has been deprecated. Please consider using render instead.
Renders a scene and stores it into the named render context. This render can then be later retrieved using the "get_stored_render" command.
"canvas_content" : String (default: "result")
The data to render into the image.
Possible Values:
- result
- State::origin
- State::direction
- State::position
- State::normal
- State::geometry_normal
- State::parametric_uv
- State::raster
- State::ray_length
- State::dot_nd
- State::texture_coordinate[n] - n is the texture coordinate index to return.
- State::texture_tangent[n] - n is the texture tangent index to return.
- State::texture_binormal[n] - n is the texture binormal index to return.
- State::texture_du[n] - n is the texture derivative index to return.
- State::texture_dv[n] - n is the texture derivative index to return.
- Renderer::z
- Renderer::label
- Renderer::normal_color
"canvas_pixel_type" : String (default: "Rgba")
The pixel type of the canvas used for the render.
Possible Values:
- Rgb
- Rgba
- Rgb_fp
- Color
- Rgbe
- Rgbea
- Rgba_16
- Rgb_16
- Sint8
- Sint32 - eg: for Renderer::label canvas_content.
- Float32 - eg: for Renderer::z canvas_content.
- Float32<2> - eg: for State::raster canvas_content.
- Float32<3> - eg: for State::origin (or any 3D space related) canvas_content.
- Float32<4> - eg: for State::texture_coordinate[n] canvas_content.
"format" : String (default: "jpg")
The image format to return.
Possible Values:
- jpg
- png
- tif
- exr
- hdr
- ct
"name" : String
The name to store the render as.
"pixel_type" : String (default: "Rgba")
The pixel type of the returned image.
Possible Values:
- Rgb
- Rgba
- Rgb_fp
- Color
- Rgbe
- Rgbea
- Rgba_16
- Rgb_16
- Sint8
- Sint32
- Float32
- Float32<2>
- Float32<3>
- Float32<4>
"quality" : String (default: "90")
The quality of the returned image.
"render_context_name" : String
The name of the render context to use.
"render_context_timeout" : Uint32 (default: 0)
The timeout for the named render context.
"renderer" : String (default: null)
The renderer to use for the render. If not provided then either the renderer specified in the render context, the renderer specified in the scene options or the default renderer is used.
Possible Values:
- default
- iray
- hybrid
- preview
- rt_bsp
- gpu
- sketch
"scene_name" : String
The name of the scene to render.
return value
BinaryThe rendered image.