Renders a scene to a neuray canvas
Web Services Notes:
- This command returns a Canvas which cannot be serialized by Web Services. This command should only be used as a utility command by other commands and cannot be called directly from Web Services.
"canvas_content" : String (default: "result")
The data to render into the image.
Web Services Notes:
- See the "Result Canvas Names" section of the "Iray Technical Principles" for a detailed description of supported canvas_content values and the canvas_pixel_type values required by them.
Possible Values:
- result
- alpha
- depth
- distance
- normal
- texture_coordinate[n] - n is the texture coordinate index to return.
- object_id
- material_id
- diffuse
- specular
- glossy
- emission
- shadow
- ambient_occlusion
- lpexpr=lp-expression
- irradiance
- irradiance_probe
"canvas_name" : String (default: null)
The name of the canvas to use. If the canvas exists in the render context (and its resolution/pixel type matches) then the render will target this canvas. Otherwise a new canvas is created. The result will also be stored in the render context under this name.
"canvas_pixel_type" : String (default: "Rgba")
The pixel type of the canvas used for the render.
Web Services Notes:
- See the "Result Canvas Names" section of the "Iray Technical Principles" for a detailed description of supported canvas_content values and the canvas_pixel_type values required by them.
Possible Values:
- Rgb
- Rgba
- Rgb_fp
- Color
- Rgbe
- Rgbea
- Rgba_16
- Rgb_16
- Sint8
- Sint32 - eg: for object_id canvas_content.
- Float32 - eg: for depth canvas_content.
- Float32<2>
- Float32<3> - eg: for normal (or any 3D space related) canvas_content.
- Float32<4> - eg: for texture_coordinate[n] canvas_content.
"canvas_resolution_x" : Uint32
Horizontal render resolution.
"canvas_resolution_y" : Uint32
Vertical render resolution.
"render_context_name" : String (default: null)
The name of the render context to use.
"render_context_options" : Map (default: null)
A map of options to be set onto the render context. The value of each of key needs to be another map that contains The "type" and "value". eg {"type": "Sint32", "value": 32}
"render_context_timeout" : Uint32 (default: 0)
The timeout for the named render context.
"renderer" : String (default: null)
The renderer to use for the render. If not provided then either the renderer specified in the render context or the default renderer is used.
Possible Values:
- default
- iray
- irt
- ogl
- blend
"scene_name" : String
The name of the scene to render.
return value
CanvasA canvas containing the rendered image.