RealityServer Web Services configuration is achieved via a configuration file and command line options. The configuration file to be used is specified on the command line using the compulsory config_file option
realityserver_ws --config_file realityserver.conf
The configuration file does not need to reside in any specific location in the file system. However any relative paths within the file will be taken relative to the configuration file rather than relative to the current working directory.
The configuration file format is based on Apache style configuration. This consists of simple directives, which are a space separated key and value and container directives which contain, and provide context to, other directives.
Command line options follow the same pattern as in RealityServer 3.0 command line options and many are unchanged.
Configuration File Format
Configuration is line based with 1 directive specified per line. Lines are terminated with either the standard UNIX '\n' terminator or the standard WINDOWS two character "\r\n" terminator. Both usages may exist within a single file. The back-slash "\" may be used as the last character on a line to indicate that the directive continues onto the next line. There must be no other characters or white space between the back-slash and the end of the line. Once multi-line concatenation is complete any leading whitespace is stripped from the line and directive processing may begin. Trailing whitespace is not stripped. Lines consisting of whitespace only are ignored.
A line beginning with the '#' character is considered a comment and is ignored by the configuration parser. Note that this means that any '#' character found within a directive is interpreted as part of the directive.
Keys identify the name of a directive and are identified by the following POSIX regular expression:
Keys are not case sensitive
Values identify the value of a directive and may contain any character. The only restriction is they may not begin with a whitespace character. The configuration format imposes no other restriction or interpretation (other than environment variable substitution) on the format of a value. Formatting, including the interpretation of quotation marks is defined on a per directive basis. Values are identified by the following POSIX regular expression:
Environment variable substitution
All values undergo environment variable substitution. This would typically be used when you have multiple RealityServer instances running over a shared file system and need to provide slightly different configurations to each. Rather than providing separate configuration files you can simply use environment variables to modify the differing parts at start up.
Substitutions are identified using ${ENV_VAR_NAME}. EG: ${HOSTNAME} will substitute the machines hostname on a linux system. If the supplied environment variable is not found a warning is issued and an empty string is substituted instead. Environment substitutions are identified by the following POSIX regular expression:
Container Directives
A line beginning with the character '<' and ending with '>' defines a container directive. Container directives provide a context in which the enclosed directives apply. This context is identified by a key/value pair within the delimiters. A container begins with a directive of the following form:
And ends with the following:
All directives between these two directives are to be stored in the context of the containers key and value.
Simple Directives
Simple directives are a key/value pair within a single line. A valid directive within a line is defined by the following:
Supported Directives
The following sections list the directives supported by RealityServer Web Services. Many of these will be familiar to users of RealityServer 3.0
Note that any relative file name or directory values are interpreted as relative to the configuration file itself. Absolute paths are filesystem absolute unless otherwise specified.