neuray Services API Programmer's Manual

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:

error.h [code]
Predefined error codes used by the neuray services API
ibinary.h [code]
Raw data type
icanvas.h [code]
Canvas data type
icommand.h [code]
Neuray services command system
iconverter.h [code]
Data conversion interface
ievent.h [code]
Neuray services event system
ifactory.h [code]
Base data types used by the neuray services API
irender_context.h [code]
Neuray render context abstraction
iscene.h [code]
Neuray services scene abstraction
itonemap.h [code]
Neuray services tonemapping
iuser.h [code]
User data type
neuray.h [code]
Neuray services command context for the neuray API
nservices.h [code]
Neuray services API