neuray Services API Programmer's Manual

neuray Services API Abstractions

[neuray Services API]


The neuray Services API provides a minimal abstraction layer on top of the neuray library.

  • IScene abstraction. This extends mi::neuraylib::IScene to provide a scene object which can be stored in the database and can be set to automatically flush itself from the database if it has not been accessed for a given amount of time. Instances of this are created and retrieved using mi::nservices::ICommand_context.

  • IRender_context abstraction. This extends mi::neuraylib::IRender_context to allow named, expirable render contexts to be created. Named contexts allow for renders to be cancelled. By specifying an expiry time a named render context can also persist between command requests and be used to perform progressive rendering. The render context abstraction also caches the results of the previous render and allows for arbitrary canvases to be stored and retrieved. Instances are created and retrieved using mi::nservices::IScene::get_render_context().


The neuray services render context abstraction. More...
The neuray services scene abstraction. More...