neuray API Programmer's Manual

Math API


Math-related functions and classes, for example, vectors and matrices.

Include File:

#include <mi/math.h>


An axis-aligned N-dimensional bounding box class template of fixed dimension with supporting functions. More...
Standard RGBA color class with floating point elements and operations. More...
Assertions. More...
The math API provides functions and function templates that act on simple types or generic container and vector concepts. More...
Math vector class template of fixed dimension with generic operations. More...
A NxM-dimensional matrix class template of fixed dimensions with supporting functions. More...
Spectrum class with floating point elements and operations. More...
The Math API has a major and minor version number and an optional qualifier. More...


Namespace for the Math API. More...


enum mi::math::From_iterator_tag{ FROM_ITERATOR}
Enum used for initializing a vector from an iterator. More...


enum mi::math::From_iterator_tag

Enum used for initializing a vector from an iterator.

See also:


Two examples initializing a 3D vector:

mi::Float32 data[3] = {1.0, 2.0, 4.0};
    mi::math::Vector<  mi::Float64,  3> vec( mi::math::FROM_ITERATOR, data);

    std::vector v( 2.4, 3000);
    mi::math::Vector<  mi::Float64,  3> vec( mi::math::FROM_ITERATOR, v.begin());


Unique enumerator of From_iterator_tag.